It is the policy of CYBERLINKS LTD to take all possible steps to maintain good relationship with host communities, preserve safety, health environment and security of all employees, contractors and contractor employees, members of the public who may be affected by our operations as well as prevent damage to all equipment and company property.

In view of this, every of our employee and contractor must plan and perform his/her work in accordance with (CASHES) policy. An activity must be suspended if the employee believes that it cannot be carried out in accordance with the policy and he/she must report this immediately to the supervisor.

All Managers, Head of Departments, Specialists, Supervisors and Workers must understand their specific responsibilities for community affairs, safety, health, environment and security within the organisation by ensuring that appropriate facilities are available and that relevant requirements and code of work practices are known and complied with at all times by all employees.

The Major part of the activities of CYBERLINKS, consultancy and contracting, services. It is the policy to conduct these undertakings to minimise hazards and losses and to ensure the highest standards are used to attain loss prevention and environmental protection by safe practice for all work undertaken.

The management who are responsible for the implementation of this policy and all matters relating to community affairs, health, safety, environment, welfare and security commit them to ensuring that the highest standards which are reasonably practicable are met.


Our Nigerian Content Policy

CYBERLINKS LTD is a wholly Nigerian company with its head offices at QUEEN’S SHOPPING CENTRE, Block A Shop 21/22, KM 47 Lagos-Epe- Expressway, Opp. SAFEWAY Sangotedo, Eti-osa, Lagos Nigeria, providing a range of services to the engineering and construction sectors of the Nigeria economy.

CYBERLINKS is entirely and privately owned by Nigerians. The company is committed to providing the highest level and quality of services consistently to our numerous clientele.

We fully embrace the Nigeria content initiative and we are committed to the development of the local content policy. Therefore, in carrying out all our activities, we have established the following principles:

  •   For us, Nigerian content is about maximizing the use of Nigerians and materials from within Nigeria. Thus assisting to develop indigenous service providers and enable them to attain excellence.

  •   We shall on regular basis as necessitated by project needs employ locals and is our target also to achieve 100% in the provision of personnel that may be required for the execution of our services.

  •   We shall extensively ensure protection of the environment with respect to human and social rights of employees and contribution to local economic developments

  •   We shall also encourage local suppliers for the purchase of items used in the course of the day-to-day running of the company, except such items cannot be purchased in- country.


Our Safety & Environment Philosophy

In pursuance of our corporate objectives, aimed at delivering high quality engineering services to our clients, we shall execute our operations in such a manner as to:

Ensure and safeguard the health and safety of all our Employees, Affiliates and Third Parties.
Ensure that required Personal Protection Equipment, PPE are provided and used where and when necessary.

Have a mutually beneficial and sustainable relationship with our host communities.

The management is aware that no matter how well written a policy is, its implementation and success lies squarely on both the management and the individual workers effort. Hence within the CYBERLINKS family, the Safety Policy is a high level and respected document, clearly understood by all staff, distributed to all, and the co-operation of everyone is sought in its implementation. Any employee who considers any activity unsafe should stop the activity immediately.

Some of the company’s HSES policies includes:
Health, Safety and Environment and Security Emergency Response
Drugs and Alcohol

We have a comprehensive Health and Safety Management System, which is implemented throughout the company. In addition, we work closely with our clients, consultants and subcontractors to drive continuous improvement and to ensure best practice health and safety procedures are in place on all of our sites.

We are committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of those who work for and with us, as well as ensuring no member of the public is exposed to hazards as a result of our activities. Safety is a part of our culture. All of our people understand that acting safely, both on site and off, is a personal responsibility. We will not condone unsafe practices and we will not turn a blind eye if we see something unsafe happening.